FTL: Multiverse Soundtrack
Album (partial)

Originally, I worked as an artist doing pretty simple pixel art of FTL: Multiverse.
Then, I had the bright idea to try and do some music for the mod. Hijinks ensue.
The album goes through a couple of different moods and styles, but there's a pretty strong
ambient focus. Since it's a 4-year project, there are some dated songs that could definitely be
remastered (ancient could really use some work). By extension, there are a lot
of newer songs (some yet to be posted) that I'm real proud of, mostly falling in
the ambient category.
Full FTL:
Multiverse soundtrack, features stuff from the other composers on the mod
FTL: Multiverse,
an overhaul for the game FTL: Faster Than Light. Please play it or I will be sad :(