please dont touch me


  • 14/12/2024 - site added

hello :-)

Welcome to my site! I am please dont touch me (he/him). I mainly make music, which is a lot of what I'm gonna be updating to this site. Every now and then though I might post something else related to my interests: games, web dev ideas, whatever. But mostly this site is just for fun stuff that either I make or find around the net: a nice little repository I can call my own (maybe i'll set up a blog or something sometime). Check out that big ol' nav bar up top for the stuff I've been working on!

This site is also mobile compatible! Peruse at your will.
Also, this site makes pretty good use of JavaScript, so keep that in mind if you turn it off. In particular is the fancy tessellated background, which is considerably more unoptimised than I'd like; there's an option to turn it off and on in the nav bar.

p.s. if you're curious about the name, i dont actually have any touch-related issues - its a name i made when i was 13 and ive stuck with it ever since for no reason. i'll probably change it... eventually...

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